Barbershop on Broadway

In 2024, the Racing City Chorus presented its fifteenth season of free-strolling a cappella entertainment on the sidewalks of downtown Saratoga Springs. Singing members of RCC sang standards, doo-wop, show tunes, and patriotic numbers in the traditional American art form of barbershop-style four-part harmony every Thursday evening in July and August during the Belmont and 2024 thoroughbred race meet.

Each summer during the Racing season in Saratoga, (basically the end of July through Labor Day), the men of the Racing City Chorus take to the streets of downtown Saratoga on Thursday evenings and serenade the diners, pedestrians and on-lookers up and down Broadway in a series of 15-20 minute mini-shows. These shows are sponsored by the local shopping and dining establishments and have always been well-received.

We'll walk to our hosts' destination and we start the public portion inside and outside a several spots at 6:30 and continue until all venues have been properly serenaded, usually about 9:00 p.m.

The RCC members then usually retire to one of the restaurants for a little "afterglow" - a chance to wet the vocal cords and do some more harmonizing. 

Enjoy this video of the action: