Rich is back for his second time as director after a well-deserved, two-plus year break. During that break, his vocal talents were added to our bass section. Rich is a long-term Racing City Chorus member and a skilled director!
Chorus Leadership
Racing City Chorus thrives in part because of the commitment of the people in leadership. Here are a few of the people that make RCC a success:
Officers and
Board of Directors
President - Rusty Senecal Executive VP - Ben Grieco Marketing & Public Relations VP - John Senecal Membership Development VP - Joe Combs Music & Performance VP - John Reynolds Program & Activities VP- Steve Dyer Secretary- Brian Aviles Treasurer- Sam Taylor
Chapter Technology & Web Development VP- Lou Fisher Board Members At Large- Wit Richmond, Vic Del Negro, Pete Tarana & Logan Simms
Chorus Leaders
DirectorRich Gervais
Chorus Manager- Michael Whitney Webmaster -Lou Fisher Music Librarian-Lou Fisher